Monday 8 April 2013

Core Topic Semiotics


How would you interpret these hand gestures of my children and my niece?  

             Naughty       OR     Nice    
            Rude            OR     Innocent         
            Political       OR     Radical
            Peace           OR     Love

So many hand gestures with variety of different meanings home and abroad by Caroline Small.

Caroline Small Theory is not about Art


This hand gesture to me represents Black Power, which I associate with the Black Panther movement.  To others it may represent Power, Peace, Strength, Unity and solidarity.

A gesture is a movement that shows a persons expressions or an act of goodwill.  Gesture is Latin and means gestus an action, which is a way of standing or meaning.  Gestures are from the subject of Semiotics, which is the theory of signs and what they mean.  Semiotics is all about communication in a variety of different forms through signs, gestures, body language and much more, also how we interpret and understand in different ways.  Semiotics was introduced by swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913)

Hand gestures are universal and we all use our hands to supplement or speech, mostly without realising.  Hand gestures are spontaneous and individual to different people.  It is most likely that you today used your hands when you spoke, think about it.

Kenneally writes, “If you have human language, you have gestures" (Kenneally 123)

An example of hand gestures used in advertising is This Diesel advert.

A hand gesture of a clenched fist is used for Diesel aftershave, it is the focal point of the advert and yours eyes are drawn immediately
to the masculine shape and colour of the product.  As well as the masculine, brave, strong, cool pose and his body language which oozes power and strength.  His fist in the shape of the product adds to the advert.  The font on the advert is bold, rough and masculine and is not just informer the viewer, but making a statement buy me if your brave.

According to Barthes (2000.p. 21) 'I was interested in Photography only for "Sentimental reasons; I wanted to explore it not as a question (a theme) but as a wound: I see, I feel, hence I notice, I observe, and I think.


Barthes, R., (20000 Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography, London:Vintage

Barthes, R., (1972) Mythologies, London: Cape

Berger, J., (1972) Ways of seeing, London: Hamondworth: British Broadcasting Corporation: Penguin

Hall, S., (2007) This Means This This Means That, A user Guide to Semiotics: Lawrence King

Kronenberg, J., (2011) Semiotics and Mediation: Do our hands help us talk. [Online] Available at: (Accessed 03.04.13)

L & Strurken, M., (2001) Pratices of Looking: An Introduction to visual culture, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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